Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) About The
Pit River Watershed Alliance
Pit River Watershed Alliance

1. How and when was the Alliance formed?

The Pit River Watershed Alliance was formed in January 2000.  Several local landowners and agency personnel started the Alliance as a “grassroots” organization.

2. Why was the Alliance formed? 

The Alliance was formed for several reasons.  First, local landowners and agency personnel were aware of water quality problems along the river, and decided that these problems needed attention.  The local landowners were also aware that agencies could potentially impose regulations that would affect day-to-day management of private land.  Therefore, the local landowners and agency employees agreed that a locally led, cooperative approach was the most effective way in addressing resource concerns.  With this in mind, the Pit River Watershed Alliance was formed as a working group committed to collaborating on water quality and other watershed resource issues.

3.  How is the Alliance connected to local Resource Conservation Districts and other Agencies?

The Alliance is not an official agency group directly affiliated with local RCD’s or other public agencies.  However, several individuals who are either employed by public agencies or who volunteer their time for local RCD’s as directors, are partners of the Pit River Watershed Alliance.

4.  How can the Alliance help private landowners with natural resource concerns such as stream bank erosion and other water quality concerns?

The Pit River Watershed Alliance serves as an information source to local landowners who have resource concerns.  Because local RCD’s are already established and currently helping local landowners with natural resource issues, the Alliance primarily directs those individuals seeking information to these local RCD’s.  However, the Alliance currently has funds available to provide information to private landowners related to water quality and monitoring.  Public workshops will be made available to private landowners who are interested in these and other related topics.  The Alliance will also serve a role in helping secure funding for projects that meet the vision of the Alliance.

5.  How many partners are in the Alliance?

There are several potential partners/stakeholders in the Pit River Watershed Alliance.  (See the Partners page.) Currently, two dozen signatories have accepted and support the Pit River Watershed Alliance MOU.  If you are interested in becoming a partner of the Alliance, please contact:
James Rickert (530) 336-7007
[email protected]
