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clear boxCold Creek - Goose Lake Redband Trout Spawning Habitat

Cold Creek, a tributary of Lassen Creek, is a major spawning stream for Goose Lake redband trout. These trout begin their upstream migration in March and April, spawning in clean gravel that is generally pea to walnut in size. There has been a dramatic change in habitat conditions over the past 60 years, increasing the habitat suitability for Goose Lake redband trout and other riparian dependent species. Indicators of habitat change are decreased width to depth ratio, an increase in the number and species of willows, and an increase in the number of pools.

View the Cubical Panorama of Cold Creek (1.9 Mb)

Panorama taken October, 2002

Resource Issues Fish, Wildlife & Rare Plants Goose Lake Col d Creek
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Marty Yamagiwa, fisheries biologist stands near the photo point of an old stump on Cold Creek.