The Pit River Watershed Alliance (Alliance) is a collaborative, non-regulatory group, working to strengthen individual stakeholder efforts through enhanced coordination. The Alliance was formed in December 1999. Since that time, a variety of stakeholders have participated in the Alliance and identified priority projects and resource issues. The forum created from regularly held Alliance meetings and activities enables private landowners and stakeholders, local, state and federal agencies, to share ideas, skills, and leverage funding opportunities to complete projects.
The effectiveness of the Alliance is based on the effectiveness of its stakeholders. Many of the stakeholders have been actively addressing resource issues before the Alliance was formed. Those stakeholders participating in the Alliance believe improvements in the watershed can best be solved by those living and working in the watershed.
Priority Projects of the Alliance are to conduct a watershed assessment and water quality monitoring program. The Upper Pit River has been identified as an “impaired waterbody” as defined in the Federal Clean Water Act (CWQ) 303d list by EPA and the State Water Resources Control Board. Water quality parameters named in the 303d listing include temperature, nutrient loading and low dissolved oxygen. Although not listed, sediment and turbidity are also suspected of being at unacceptable levels. Causes and extent of these suspected impairments to the Pit River have not been well documented in the past. The PRWA seeks, for the first time, to put real numbers on these suspected non-point-source pollutants.

Portions of the main stem of the Pit River and some of its tributaries are in a degraded condition. Improved management and restoration projects will be needed to restore water quality, aquatic habitat, and aesthetic value. Many of the Alliance stakeholders, including state and federal agencies, local Resource Conservation Districts, and private landowners are working on projects that address water quality issues. The Alliance provides a forum where these efforts can be coordinated so that important work is addressed and duplication of effort is avoided.
The Alliance is conducting a watershed assessment concurrent with existing stakeholder projects. The assessment will identify historic and current resource conditions, and provide real data to decision makers so that activities can be focused to ensure the most efficient and effective use of effort.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) about the Pit River Watershed Alliance
Background reference materials;